This song had a huge influence on me wanting to learn acoustic guitar. It’s easily on my top five favorite songs of all time. Over the years, I’ve listened to it on repeat countless times, admiring the acoustic sound, and analyzing the lyrics.

The lyrics reads closely to my own life, when in my early twenties, I turned to therapy in an effort to get my life on a better track. I never felt so emotionally vulnerable, as I began to uncover how I was sabotaging my own life and relationships. At times, therapy was a difficult pill to swallow, and I never felt more emotionally naked.

I confided in a close family member, who described the process as similar to when a crab must shed its protective shell. The new shell at first is very soft, making the crab more vulnerable to its predators; but it’s a necessary process for the crab to continue growing.

It was a great analogy that offered me hope and promise. Even though life had knocked me down, when I was ready, I stood up, dusted off, and was a little “closer to fine,” and this time I was prepared to kick life in the ass.

Want to hear the music that inspires me? You can visit to hear the playlist, titled “Sunday Mornings by an Average Jill,” and follow me on Facebook to read more on Sunday mornings.